Wild Abandon by Emily Bitto
Wild Abandon is one of the best books I’ve read in ages.
The story begins with Will travelling to the US in search of his big adventure … and to escape his heartbreak over the ending of his first adult romantic relationship.
He arrives in New York and is intoxicated by the creative posse he enters, but struggles to put aside his own self-consciousness and sense of inadequacy.
After a bad decision that leaves him unable to stay in New York, he hits the road on what becomes an epic road trip where he comes face-to-face with a bizarre side of America.
I don’t really want to say too much to spoil the adventure for readers, but I loved going on the ride with Will.
Bitto writes with a great sense of humour and eye for absurdity. I also enjoyed her descriptions of the animals at the heart of the story, and their movement and grandeur.
She is a talented Australian writer who I’ll be keeping my eyes out for in coming years.