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Book review: The Exiles by Jane Harper

When I was living in the UK on a gap year, I became obsessed with watching Home and Away. I loved seeing that golden sand and wide, blue sky, and hearing the thick Aussie drawl.

Now, firmly back in Australia, I still sometimes get that feeling of affection toward the overtly ‘Strayan’.

Jane Harper’s books unfailingly provide me with that affection, with their quintessentially Aussie towns, Aussie characters and Aussie dialogue.

The Exiles is another Aaron Falk novel, following The Dry and Force of Nature. It starts with a baby being found seemingly abandoned at a small town festival.

A year later, as friends and family gather to celebrate the arrival of another baby, Falk looks into the mystery of what happened to the mother, whose disappearance might not be as clear cut as it might have seemed.

Just like I love the icy winds and bleakness of Ann Cleaves’ novels set in the Northern Hemisphere, there is something comforting about these novels with such a clear sense of place and personality.

I listened to The Exiles on audiobook and it was the perfect way to read this story that is not so complex that it mattered if my mind wandered, but moves quickly enough to keep me fully engaged in what might happen next.


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