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Book review: Crudo by Olivia Laing

I had been looking forward to Olivia Laing’s Crudo after hearing a lot of hype around it in the past year or two. I finally bought it during a visit…

What introverts love …. and hate

The Dirty Dancing soundtrack might not be an obvious source of controversial statements, but I felt a prickle of annoyance when I recently listened closely to the lyrics of one…

Notes on a nervous demographic

Books on anxiety are booming, according to a recent article in The Guardian. In 'This worried world: why anxiety memoirs are filling our shelves’, Brigid Delaney compares today’s deluge of…

Book review: Lanny by Max Porter

I didn’t really know what to expect when I loaded Lanny onto my Kindle before a recent holiday. I’d read extremely enthusiastic reports about Max Porter’s novel, but didn’t know…

Have you ever faced a bibliohazard?

Is there a word for that sense of panic you feel when you find yourself without a book? That time when you lie down on the beach and realise that you’ve…

Enough of the plastic – McDonald’s should replace its Happy Meal toys with books

Lately, a visit to McDonald’s has been leaving a bad taste in my mouth, and it’s not due to the coffee. It is the plastic toys that are given away…

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